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So to Speak
June 2024 | Summer Issue

EITHER THE DRUG WILL WORK OR IT WON'T. They're not going to tell me. The researcher rolls a fresh sheet of paper over the surgical table. Face down through the hole, I drop both arms onto the armrests and spread my shoulders adequately. This hasn’t been done to me since I was a kid.

Blood in the Straw
Barren Magazine
March 2024 | Issue 23

THEY LOVED EACH OTHER, but they didn’t watch the other pee. Of all the boundaries Henley had broken in their marriage, that one held fast. Janet pushed aside the shower curtain and stepped in after she flushed. Henley wiped shampoo out of her eyes and asked, “What did it say?”


The Dissection of Joan Giles
Kaleidoscope: Exploring the Experience of Disability through Literature and the Fine Arts
January 2024 | Issue 88

Read by the author on 
Kaleidoscope: The Art & Language of Inclusion | Episode 6

CORPSE, CADAVER, CARCASS: death relies on one person equating to one body. In hospitals along the east coast, Joan’s body has been taken apart and copied. Doctors are better at dissecting than mending.

Tyler Durden and I Sit Down for Brunch
Spires Magazine
April 2023 | Volume XXVIII Issue II

Recognized in the 2022 Adroit Prizes

AND I ASK TYLER, CAN I COME TO FIGHT CLUB? Tyler says, fight club is for men. He orders a bloody mary and four eggs over easy.


Open Mouth, Open Wound
The Foundationalist
June 2022 | Volume VII, Issue I

“HEY THERE SUGAR, YOU'VE REACHED the hottest hotline in New York. Before we can continue, you need to confirm your date of birth.” Candy closes her eyes against the reality of her cold, steel desk in the basement and pictures herself in leather lingerie. Her dark hair is shining and free of flyaways. There’s not a smear of lipstick on her teeth. With her fantasy, the voice comes easily, sliding off her tongue like a lynx’s purr.

Versions of Us, Fiction Award Winner, Portals, 2019


How to Miss It All in Belt, MT, The Round, forthcoming

Stages of Reincarnation with Colin Hill, YoungArts, February 2020

Ode to the Koi Fish, Transom Award Winner for Best Overall, Portals, 2020

Lost, Poetry Award Winner, Portals, 2019

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